Our Manifesto

We Believe all colors are beautiful. Some are just better left in the paint can.

We Believe black and brown are exciting colors.

We Believe in organic foods, mass transportation and fuel efficient cars; carpooling we are not sure of.

We Believe there are no small jobs - small budgets maybe, but no small jobs.

We Believe in the innate correctness of green and blue together. Look outside.

We Believe unhappiness is created with cheap goods and big lives.

We Believe you shouldn't sweat the petty things... and don't pet the sweaty things.

We Believe a good bed is where you should put your money first.

We Believe in idealism, community and Habitat for Humanity.

We Believe a successful room is the sum of its parts.

We Believe it is sometimes easier to get forgiveness than permission. Oh wait.... that's what our kids believe.

We Believe furniture in a room should complement other pieces, not match.

We Believe that vegetarians can eat animal crackers.